Search results for ' Colonel America'

Has one person crossed over to Pakistan due to the Gujarat riots?

Has one person crossed over to Pakistan due to the Gujarat riots?

Rediff.com18 Dec 2013

'Pluralism is a fundamental fact of Indian life,' Colonel Anil A Athale (retd) tells members of the US Congress. 'Indians created a secular/plural State because that is what the majority believes in and not the other way round.'

50 years of Oscar glory: 10 things you didn't know about My Fair Lady

50 years of Oscar glory: 10 things you didn't know about My Fair Lady

Rediff.com6 Apr 2015

Celebrating 50 years of a timeless Hollywood classic.

'Ringleader was identified a year before 9/11'

'Ringleader was identified a year before 9/11'

Rediff.com23 Aug 2005

September 11 ringleader was identified before strikes: Navy officer

50 Years On: Who was the real Veer Savarkar?

50 Years On: Who was the real Veer Savarkar?

Rediff.com26 Feb 2016

'One hopes the younger generation sees Savarkar him for what he was and does not view him through a distorted prism.' 'This is the least one could do for someone who devoted his whole life to Indian freedom struggle, elimination of caste, succour to Dalits, and instilling of strategic culture in India,' says Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Review: Iron Man 3 soars higher than ever

Review: Iron Man 3 soars higher than ever

Rediff.com26 Apr 2013

Iron Man 3 boasts of the headiest of action setpieces, writes Raja Sen.

Fresh fears over safety of Pakistan's N-arsenal

Fresh fears over safety of Pakistan's N-arsenal

Rediff.com9 Nov 2009

While the Pakistani army and US troops continue to drive the Taliban out of their hideouts in South Waziristan, there is perhaps a dormant, but more dangerous, threat looming overhead.

Modi's Pakistan policy has no logic with its quirks and turns

Modi's Pakistan policy has no logic with its quirks and turns

Rediff.com28 Dec 2015

'The Modi regime, after experimenting with its own versions of neighbourhood policy for 18 months, has now reached the exact stage where the Manmohan Singh government had left it in so far as our Pakistan policy is concerned,' says former senior RA&W officer Vappala Balachandran.

British kite flying on Kashmir

British kite flying on Kashmir

Rediff.com20 Jan 2009

By a coincidence, the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband was in India during the annual kite flying festival and he did indeed do some of his own on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. He proffered unsolicited advice that in order to deal with terrorism India must 'solve' the Kashmir problem, says Col Anil Athale (retired)

UK troops join hunt for Laden

UK troops join hunt for Laden

Rediff.com1 Mar 2004

'Washington is confident the Saudi-born militant will be killed or captured within a year,' says The Guardian.

Kabul Express: Flawed, but thought-provoking

Kabul Express: Flawed, but thought-provoking

Rediff.com15 Dec 2006

Despite the errors, Kabir Khan's film has a heart.

My father, the Param Vir Chakra Hero

My father, the Param Vir Chakra Hero

Rediff.com14 Sep 2015

In spite of being wounded in battle, Lieutenant Colonel A B Tarapore fought for six days before meeting a hero's death on the battlefield in the 1965 war. A legend in the Indian Army, he is the highest ranking officer to be awarded the Param Vir Chakra.

Ex-Doordarshan anchor on track to join Obama admn

Ex-Doordarshan anchor on track to join Obama admn

Rediff.com6 Feb 2010

The senate banking committee and commerce committee approved Kumar's nomination, which was buoyed by a rousing introduction of Kumar by Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, where Kumar has resided since 1993, and it's now the full senate that has got to vote on his nomination, and sources said he could be in place in his job at commerce by late this month or early March.

Why terror probe MUST go beyond Lt Col Purohit

Why terror probe MUST go beyond Lt Col Purohit

Rediff.com16 Jul 2012

The Lt Colonel Shrikant Purohit case has taken a pretty interesting turn. The claim of the suspected mastermind of 2007 Samjhauta Express bombing and other terror cases that he was not one of the terrorists but an infiltrator on a military intelligence operation has certainly raised eyebrows.

Pullout: 'A big step by India'

Pullout: 'A big step by India'

Rediff.com17 Nov 2004

Implications of Talibanised Pak for India

Implications of Talibanised Pak for India

Rediff.com28 Apr 2009

In an impending Talibanisation of Pakistan, we face hordes entering our country to carry out mayhem. Once the state of Pakistan is taken over by the Taliban, we face a prospect of use of nuclear weapons against us, either through direct or indirect means of delivery.

Why 2014 looks eerily like 1914

Why 2014 looks eerily like 1914

Rediff.com30 Jul 2014

'The parallels between 1914 and 2014 are striking. The crumbling of American and Russian hegemony, the rise of powerful terrorist groups, ferment in the Middle East and the rise of China... These closely mirror the world of 1914,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Barbarians at the gate, are we ready?

Barbarians at the gate, are we ready?

Rediff.com19 Feb 2009

'The recent surrender by the Pakistani State to the Taliban in the Swat valley may well turn out to be a watershed in the history of the Indian subcontinent. In terms of long-term impact, this may even overshadow the recent Mumbai massacres. All signs point to the Talibanisation of Pakistan.'

There is no major threat from 'saffron terrorists'

There is no major threat from 'saffron terrorists'

Rediff.com6 Jan 2011

The LeT terror campaign is backed by the power and resources of a state. To compare this with the acts of a crowd of motley Hindu extremists is like equating chalk with cheese, says Colonel (retd) Anil Athale.

Is Hrithik the new Rambo?

Is Hrithik the new Rambo?

Rediff.com31 May 2005

'The world economy is in trouble'

'The world economy is in trouble'

Rediff.com24 Sep 2011

Nikhil Lakshman reports from the United Nations General Assembly, which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed on Saturday.

Warning: Security perils for India on road ahead

Warning: Security perils for India on road ahead

Rediff.com25 Jan 2011

The apparent Indian smugness and inability to see the gathering clouds on the security horizon is at the heart of our problems, warns Colonel Anil Athale (retd).

Looking for the real Sardar Patel

Looking for the real Sardar Patel

Rediff.com12 Nov 2013

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's sage advice remains as relevant today as it was during his lifetime, says Vivek Gumaste.

Search for Columbia debris on

Search for Columbia debris on

Rediff.com2 Feb 2003

Debris has been tracked in a 500-square mile area but could be scattered over a region three times that.

India's friend from Harvard

India's friend from Harvard

Rediff.com3 May 2006

How should India respond to Mumbai attacks

How should India respond to Mumbai attacks

Rediff.com11 Dec 2008

The Mumbai terror strike is no ordinary attack. All over the world there have been several blasts but in all those cases they have been attacks by stealth. Here is the first instance where the attackers have openly defied a nation of one billion. That the nation's 200 elite commandos were defied for 60 hours is a tremendous boost for the morale of terrorists all over the world. The effect of inaction can be devastating.

Have we forgotten Kargil already?

Have we forgotten Kargil already?

Rediff.com13 May 2009

'India and Indians need to change their attitude towards its soldiers, both serving and retired. Indians need to remember the families of those who made their supreme sacrifice in conflicts like Kargil or anywhere while performing their duty.'

Pakistan: Some likely scenarios

Pakistan: Some likely scenarios

Rediff.com14 Jun 2007

'A major internal upheaval cannot be ruled out.'

Senators to take up Sikh cause with Pentagon

Senators to take up Sikh cause with Pentagon

Rediff.com21 May 2009

Several US lawmakers pledged to support the Sikh community's efforts to serve in the US armed forces without compromising their religious principles.

Spats apart, future's rosy

Spats apart, future's rosy

Rediff.com27 Apr 2003

Target next: Indian military bases

Target next: Indian military bases

Rediff.com26 Apr 2003

President Obama's challenges in AfKak

President Obama's challenges in AfKak

Rediff.com9 Mar 2009

President Obama has this historical opportunity to rescue the world from an economic morass and an Islamist nightmare and put his stamp on world history.

Obama must unshackle India

Obama must unshackle India

Rediff.com4 Nov 2010

'Only then can we play our role in balancing China and deal with the menace of global terrorism. If these concessions are not forthcoming, then the Indo-US strategic partnership is as good as dead.'

Will the Subcontinent be next?

Will the Subcontinent be next?

Rediff.com16 Apr 2003